Sandy Pt Resort
Point Pg
Around the Corner

a whirl with our sponsor
Disc Golf Stuff 
Juliana has a page with a lot of information about disc golf in general.
She has lots of good links. Her calendar schedule is pretty
easy to use, send her your dates.
Disc Golf.Com
This site is the WWW Grand Central Station of Disc Golf, with lots
of links and other useful information.
This is an online magazine covering current items of interest for the
informed discgolfer. It has informative articles and fun stories
as well as the latest news. This is really worth checking out.
PDGA Homepage
The Professional Disc Golf Association coordinates the bigger disc golf
tournaments every year.
The PDGA Disc
Golf Course Directory
Courses from around the world.
Disc Golf Association
The Disc Golf Association makes pole hole targets, plus they offer
some unique "next generation" discs like the Bowfly and the Blunt.
Innova Champion Homepage
All about their discs and other products, plus stuff on course design,
and educational products and support.
Discraft now has a site with some fun stuff
Resource Guide for Disc Sport Organizers
Another set of articles and links at this site. Devoted to promoting
the sport, building courses, organizing events and clubs.
Disc Links
WFDF Homepage
This is the site of The World Flying Disc Federation. They have rules
of all disc sports and world
The Freestyle Frisbee
A great site with nice graphics, animation's and lots-o-links.
Ultimate Players Association
The UPA website should be your first stop for info on the game of ultimate.
Ultimate links
This site is loaded with the best and most ulti links.
Ultimate Frisbee Sites
A great set of links to Ultimate clubs tourneys and other info.
Conrads Double
Disc Court Page
If you are not playing DDC, you should! Here's rules, tips and good pics.
The Australian Flying Disc
Association Homepage 
Link dead???
This organization had great info posted on the net. Does anybody know
what happened to them?
Things That Fly
Juggling Information
This is the complete Juggling resource.
Baileys's Boomerang World
This is a big site with all kinds of boom scoop.
UFO Abduction Insurance
This is cheap insurance in case you are carried away by aliens. You
can also buy used UFO's here.
The Flying ELVI
You can hire this team of sky diving Elvises to drop in on your wedding.
Why settle for just one Elvis look alike?
Web Tools
The Mouse Pad Graphics
Visit Vikimouse for really unique icons, lines and more. She's a
Packers fan, too.
The Banner
Look here to create banners for your own webpage
If you are interested
in finding out more about the Platypus, This amazing animal seems to have
a magnet for some unique individuals across the world wide web. Be sure
to check out these cool sites.
The Platypus
More good information about these little animals
Platypus Conservancy
Research Studies on the Platypus health, ecology and habitat requirements.
The Wide World of Platypi
lots of information on these little guys.